Desludge tightener - parameters for the right choice of material
black steel or stainless steel
We have already described how a desludging tensioner works in detail in our blog post from March 8, 2023. Today we would like to take a closer look at the nature of the material and the different areas of application.
We generally manufacture our desludge tanks, desludge tanks, desludge coolers or mixing coolers either from black steel or stainless steel. The functionality of the tanks is always the same, regardless of which material they are made of.
So the question is, which parameters are really decisive for the choice of material?
On the one hand, the nature of the blowdown, the intensity and the frequency with which blowdown takes place.
On the other hand, the system pressure also plays a decisive role.
Take, for example, a steam boiler system 3 t/h 10 bar with an integrated reverse osmosis system.
In the case of reverse osmosis, we are talking about approx. 25% concentrate waste from the raw water treatment that ends up in the blowdown tank. In combination with oxygen, this salted water would cause considerable corrosion damage to a black steel blowdown tank. Corrosion originally comes from the Latin and means to decompose, eat away or gnaw away. If the extremely salty sludge is desludged several times a day at a pressure of 10 bar in the desludging tank, a high level of corrosion occurs . To counteract this, our Hagelschuer professionals recommend the use of a stainless steel (V2A) desludging clamp . These are corrosion and acid-resistant and are the first choice for steam boiler systems with an integrated (upstream) reverse osmosis system.
In some sectors, such as the pharmaceutical and food industries, complete boiler equipment is made of stainless steel, and stainless steel blow-down clamps are also used there .