Today we celebrate the day of the German apple

Äpfel bei Hagelschuer

Apples as a benefit at Hagelschuer

Did you know that the apple forms a genus of plants (pome fruits) and comes from the rose family? It is estimated that there are more than 30,000 different varieties of apples worldwide. In Germany, there are about 2,000. The apple is not only delicious, it also provides many vitamins, and is also rich in valuable minerals and important fiber. Most of the vitamins are actually in the apple skin or just below it. The apple is said to have the following properties:

Apples protect against cancer
Apples cleanse the liver
Apples sanitize the intestinal flora
Apples are good for the brain

Therefore, apples should be on the menu every day, especially during the harvest season in autumn. At Hagelschuer, apples are on the table in the break rooms. Fresh supplies arrive every week. Thus, all (S)team players benefit from the many positive features.

You can find all benefits at Hagelschuer here!