Total loss of the existing boiler - Mario takes over the process steam supply

Mietkessel Mario

Rent boiler Mario

A leading manufacturer from the paper industry, has a boiler failure at one of its sites north of Munich. The customer requested our expert to inspect and assess the claim. On site it turned out that the repair of the boiler was no longer economically viable. In order to keep the production standstill and downtime as low as possible, a solution concept was immediately developed. This provides for our rental boiler Mario (7 t/h, 4.9 MW, 28 bar) to initially take over the process steam supply so that the production lines can start up again. Hagelschuer was also commissioned to prepare a quotation for a new boiler system.

This is an excellent example of how Hagelschuer maps the complete range of services around steam supply. All departments work hand in hand and solution-oriented, always putting the customer first!

You can find more practical examples from our everyday work here.