Startseite → Rent → Accessories & system parts
Rent accessories for your boiler systems.
Even the rental systems from Hagelschuer can be largely customised for the specific customer. Customers benefit from Hagelschuer’s large range of items in stock. The rental range does not just include complete systems, but also numerous components and system extensions. For technical transport reasons, all system parts cannot always be housed in one single container. Mobile system extensions are therefore recommended simply from a practical point of view. Of course, you can also rent our peripheral system extensions independently of our rental boiler systems. For example, during maintenance and repair work, in the event of faults or for trial runs.
Which peripheral system devices do you want to rent?
Your points of contact
Dülmen site
Hubertus Jasper
Rental boilers / rental
Bickenbach site
Ben Kiefer
Rental boilers / rental
Reiner Weiss
International sales
Boiler accessories
Simply rent mobile water treatment
- Water outputs of 6 to 30 m³
- Double softening plants with dosing feeder
- Including degasser and vessel
If your water supply fails or as an interim solution, we can offer a range of containers with all components for water treatment and dosing corrective chemicals for rent. Our rental systems for water treatment are supplied including softening plants and feed water tanks. The systems are pre-produced by us and are adjusted to your requirements on-site.
Boiler accessories
For system outputs of 30 t/h or 24 MW
- Up to a height of 30 metres
- Partly free-standing
- Separate concrete foundations
Our partly free-standing smokestacks to remove flue gas are in-stock and therefore suitable for quick use. The stacks can be delivered up to a height of 30 metres and with separate concrete foundations. The smokestacks are optimised to the output parameters of our rental boilers. They are set up on-site with you by our trained staff. Quick and professional.
Boiler accessories
Simply rent heating oil tanks of up to 80 m³/h
- 5 - 80 m³/h capacity
Double-walled tanks in accordance with DIN 6616,
above-ground design (must be declared) - Independent energy supply
Our mobile heating oil tanks are available short-term and are in use quickly. As with all accessories and system extensions from our rental range, the heating oil tanks of up to 80 m³/h are ready for connection immediately on delivery and are installed by our service specialists so that they are ready for operation.
Mobiler Wärmetauscher
Dampfvordruck von 2,5 bis 13 bar
- 200 bis 1.000 KW
- Maximal 100 °C Vorlauftemperatur
- Mit Kondensatzanstauregelung
Dampf-Wärmetauscher lassen Energie nicht durch den Abzug verpuffen, sondern fangen sie auf wandeln sie in Wärme um. Die so gewonnene thermische Energie kann zum Heizen oder Wärmen von Öfen oder anderen Produktionsmedien genutzt werden. Wärmerückgewinnung aus Dampf ermöglicht eine breitere Auslastung der Dampfkesselanlage und hilft dabei Primärenergien zu sparen. Die Wärmetauschermodule sind zur Erweiterung von bestehenden Anlagen geeignet, einfach zu montieren und durch Hagelschuers hohen Lieferbestand schnell lieferbar.
Dülmen site
Hubertus Jasper
Rental boilers / rental
Bickenbach site
Ben Kiefer
Rental boilers / rental
Reiner Weiss
International sales