Project partner: CAL Trading
Case Study: Rental boiler Jule
Jule rental boiler offers enormous savings potential in ongoing operating costs
Hagelschuer project partner CAL Trading BV places Jule even before completion
The task
Our rental boiler plant Jule (3 t/h, 2.1 MW, 16 bar) had not yet been completed when the first inquiry came from our project partner CAL Trading from the Netherlands. A dairy company for goat milk needed an additional process steam supply for approx. 2 years as a temporary solution for the expansion of its product range. The customer’s requirements were high; in addition to a fully equipped container facility, the customer wanted the ongoing operating costs to be as low as possible.
The attachment
As astate-of-the-art rental boiler plant, Jule naturally combines all the desired criteria. Like all rental boiler plants at Hagelschuer, it is also equipped with an economizer. The economizer ensures that the feed water is preheated. This saves not only fuel, but above all electricity, money and CO2. This saves Jule about 145 KW per hour, or 1160 KW per day, for an 8-hour workday. That is 266800 KW per year if we assume a 5 day week and 230 working days per year. At a gas price of 0.05 € per KWH, this would already be a saving of 13,340 € per year. With current rising energy prices, the actual savings are probably much higher.
But it is not only the economizer that ensures enormous potential savings in ongoing operating costs. The standard equipment of the feedwater tank with a full degassing system also saves water, energy and chemicals. During full degassing, a slight overpressure is created. This ensures that no more oxygen is present in the feed water. This means that no additional oxygen binding agent (water chemistry) needs to be used. Feedwater vessels without full degassing are atmospheric, with steam (Frasendampf) rising constantly. This results in unnecessary loss of finished water and energy.
The extremely sophisticated plant technology and the constant further development and optimization of our rental boiler portfolio mean that we can always offer our partners and customers at home and abroad particularly energy-efficient solutions.
- fully equipped container facility
- incl. feed water treatment
- incl. economizer
- incl. full degassing
- Jule saves approx 145 KW per hour
About CAL Trading B.V.
CAL Trading B.V. is the first official HAGELSCHUER steam partner in the Netherlands.
CAL Trading has been in existence for about 60 years and Max Breedijk manages the company with about 25 employees in the second generation. Cal’s strength is in plant engineering of steam boiler systems, furnace technology, and water analysis and service. They also have their own boiler rental fleet. Best conditions for our joint partnership.