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Shortened apprenticeship completed successfully

abgeschlossene Ausbildung Marcel Hagemann und Luis Recker


Marcel Hagemann (second from the right) completed his apprenticeship as an office management specialist successfully. He is therefore the first apprentice that Hagelschuer has trained in the specialist field. After his technical A-level, Marcel started his apprenticeship in 2017. During the two and a half years, he got to know the widest range of departments and processes. He particularly enjoyed purchasing. He soon took over organisation of the stock room and all pending management tasks completely independently and conscientiously. In his free time, the 22 year-old loves engine-powered aviation.

Luis Recker (third from the left) is the second in a row to complete his shortened apprenticeship successfully. He started his apprenticeship as a system mechanic in the system construction field at Hagelschuer on 01/08/2016. His presentation piece, known as the working assignment, got the best mark of “very good”. Luis decided to construct a “blowdown tank”. The technically sound documentation and the clean design when producing the vessel, and good presentation in front of the examinations board gave him this outstanding final mark. Luis is a passionate amateur athlete and keeps fit in the gym.

In recent years, Hagelschuer has focussed on the “apprenticeship” subject more and more. In order to counteract the current dearth of specialists, we have for many years been focussing on training our own new blood ourselves. We therefore established a new apprentice concept at the start of 2018 and its modular strategy is being implemented bit by bit. 

If you want to know exactly what we offer our apprentices, have a look at our careers page!
