Blowdown vessels
Eighth graders and parents take note!
Desludging is the term used to describe the Draining the boiler water incl. of the impurities, that have settled on the bottom of the boiler. Contamination occurs due to the introduction of the fresh water and return condensate. However, even during steam generation, the concentration of impurities in the boiler increases during the evaporation process. The plant control system monitors the boiler water and initiates the necessary blowdown processonce or twice a day for approx. two seconds via the blowdown valve.
The 100 °C hot blowdown water is fed into the blowdown tensioner and collected there. To avoid damage from heat in the pipe system, the blowdown water must be cooled down before it can be safely discharged into the sewer system. For this purpose, the water temperature is measured in the tank with the help of thermostats. According to the preset values, a solenoid valve regulates the fresh water supply for cooling to approx. 35 °C. The flash steam produced in the flash tank by the fresh water supply is led outdoors through a vent pipe via the roof. The cooled blowdown water flows through the pipe into the sewer system.
This is how a blowdown tank or also called blowdown tank, blowdown cooler or mixing cooler works. No matter what you call it, our experts in the tank construction department have over 20 years of experience in tank construction and will take care of the correct design. We manufacture these not only for our own steam boiler plants. We sell standard designs from stock via our webshop. Of course, we also produce special sizes upon request.